Edward Segal, Inc.

Edward Segal, Inc.

Thomaston Connecticut US 6787
About Seller: Edward Segal established our company in New York City in 1942 with a focus on repairing and selling used machinery. The business was strategically launched during a period where surplus machinery from war efforts was plentiful. Much of this surplus machinery consisted of attaching equipment such as riveting, snap fastening, and grommetting. The early challenge faced by Edward Segal, Inc. was to reengineer this machinery to meet industry standards and demands. While there were existing manufacturers of eyelet and grommet attaching machinery in the market, they primarily catered to single setting applications, not multiple setting requirements. Edward Segal, Inc. stood out by introducing a multiple setting concept to a key electronic hardware manufacturer. This successful partnership resulted in a significant purchase order for machinery capable of feeding and setting multiple eyelets simultaneously, propelling our company to the forefront of the industry. Since then, Edward Segal, Inc. has expanded its product offerings to include a wide range of eyelet rivet and grommet attaching machines, along with the ability to design and manufacture custom assembly systems. Our Company serves various manufacturing sectors, including automotive, circuit boards, textiles, electronics, toys, tents, flags, and banners, among others.