J.C. MacElroy Company, Inc.

Piscataway New Jersey US 8855
About Seller: Since its establishment in 1932, J.C. MacElroy Company, Inc. has been a leading provider of custom fabricated metal and other products for clients nationwide and globally. Our extensive experience and proven track record in metal fabrication, historic restorations, replications, and castings demonstrate our expertise in the industry. Located in Piscataway, NJ, MacElroy's state-of-the-art facility enables the production of high-quality products for the power generation, marine, transportation, and construction sectors. Our success extends worldwide, with projects completed in countries such as Spain, England, Israel, Russia, and Saudi Arabia, to name a few. Serving a diverse clientele ranging from small businesses to large corporations and government entities, MacElroy is a trusted one-stop solution for various industries. We specialize in customizing metal products to meet the unique requirements of clients, regardless of their location. At MacElroy, we prioritize quality and understand the strict standards set by owners, contractors, engineers, and architects. Our commitment to quality assurance and control is evident in every project we undertake as we strive for continuous improvement and utmost client satisfaction.