Maverick Humidors

Newport Beach California US 92663
About Seller: 'Welcome to FUJIPUB.COM, the ultimate destination for cigar enthusiasts worldwide. Since our inception in 1993, Fuji Publishing Group has been committed to providing an all-encompassing platform for cigar lovers that is as informative as it is user-friendly. Our mission is to cater to the needs of both beginners and seasoned cigar lovers. We bring to the table a vast selection of cigars, accessories, and related products from the world's most renowned brands. Our vision, firmly rooted in our passion for cigars, wines, and spirits, is to remain the leading online resource for quality cigars, unparalleled service, and in-depth cigar-related information. As a company, we value excellence, integrity, and customer satisfaction. We take pride in our extensive product range, featuring over 2,000 distinct cigars and accessories, all handpicked to meet the diverse tastes of our global clientele. At FUJIPUB.COM, we do not simply sell cigars; we offer a unique experience. This is reflected in our unique selling proposition - our exclusive partnerships with top-rated brands, real-time inventory updates, same-day shipping, and exceptional promotional offers. We hold the distinguished title of 'The World's Largest Online Cigar Store'. This is a testament to our commitment to quality and service. We have also been recognized by NetGuide with an unprecedented five-star rating for cigar content, a testament to our industry leadership. Our team at Fuji Publishing Group is dedicated to continuous improvement and innovation. We welcome feedback from our valued customers and strive to provide a seamless online shopping experience. Join us in our journey to celebrate the art of cigars. Connect with us today and become a part of our global cigar community.