Robeck Fluid Power Co.

Aurora Ohio US 44202
About Seller: Robeck Fluid Power Co. was established in Solon, Ohio, a suburb of Cleveland, by Peter W. Becker in May 1983. In 1985, Robeck initiated a partnership with the Robert Bosch Corporation. Over the following years, Robeck focused its efforts on expanding Bosch's presence in the steel and plastic industries, leading to its designation as one of Bosch's primary distributors. In 2001, Bosch and Rexroth joined forces to create Bosch Rexroth AG, prompting Robeck to transition its partnership to Eaton Corporation as an authorized distributor for Eaton, Char-Lynn, Hydro-Line, and Vickers. In December 1995, Robeck relocated to a new 35,000-square-foot facility in Aurora, Ohio. With a team of 45 employees and strong relationships with top-tier suppliers, Robeck remains committed to delivering superior products and services to its customers consistently.