Colgate Swarna Vedshakti Toothpaste

M.R.P: 135   Price: 128 5% off

Product Description : Colgate Swarna Vedshakti Toothpaste is a dental care product that combines traditional Indian ingredients with modern oral care technology. It is formulated to provide oral hygiene and freshness while incorporating the benefits of natural herbs. The toothpaste is designed to offer a unique blend of traditional wisdom and contemporary dental science. Key Features: - Herbal Fusion: Colgate Swarna Vedshakti Toothpaste combines natural ingredients inspired by traditional Indian herbal remedies. - Oral Care: The toothpaste aims to provide effective oral hygiene, including cavity protection, plaque removal, and fresher breath. - Traditional Wisdom: It incorporates the herbal knowledge of Ayurveda to provide a holistic approach to oral care. - Variety: Available in different variants, offering various herbal ingredients and flavours.


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