Johnsons Baby Lotion

M.R.P: 475   Price: 260 45% off
500 ml

Product Description:
Newly born kids need your love and attention, and their skin needs Johnson’s baby lotion. This product is perfected over 125 years to give the best care to your baby’s delicate skin. The lotion creates a protective barrier to lock the skin moisture and keep it hydrated for long. Johnson’s baby lotion is a clinically proven formula for intact hydration for 24 hours and keeps the skin baby soft.

Product Information:
- Johnson’s baby lotion contains coconut oil and Hypoallergenic to provide complete, long-lasting protection.
- pH balanced to make it a baby-friendly product.
- Clinically proven safe for use on delicate baby skin.
- J & J follows international regulatory standards to ensure 100% safe and gentle care from day 1.


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