Green String Beans/Chowli Phali/Chawli Shenga

M.R.P: 60   Price: 58 3% off

Product Description:

Green string beans or chawli phali (in Hindi) are a highly nutritious addition to your diet. You can blanch or sauté them to prepare delicious meals. However, raw and fresh chawli senga or phali is the healthiest option if you are willing to change your eating habits. Other green bean options include gawar fali, haricot verts beans, broad beans, and black-eyed peas beans. You can buy them online at the best prices only on Adibuja. Place your order to get instant & hassle-free delivery.

About this Item:

- Green string beans keep your heart healthy and maintain a healthy body weight as they contain no fat or zero cholesterol.
- These beans are also a good source of vital minerals, protein, and vitamins for proper functioning and a healthy immune system.
- At Adibuja, we make sure to deliver fresh and quality products to every customer to help them maintain a better and healthy lifestyle.


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